News Talk 730, KYYA

NewsTalk 730


Governor Bullock called out Montana Republicans for opposing investments in Montana kids

Governor Bullock   called out Montana Republicans’ claim in their recently released Republican Action Plan (attached) that one of their six priorities is to Put Students and Parents First. The second bullet under Put Students and Parents First states their intent to “Oppose state expansion into Pre-K education.”


“Investing in Montana kids is not only the right thing to do for the future generation of Montanans, but for the future of Montana’s economy,” said Governor Bullock. “The fact that Republican legislators refuse to acknowledge that core Montana value is irresponsible, short-sighted, and damaging to Montana’s economic growth and job opportunities.”


Governor Bullock has proposed a modest investment in early childhood education in his 2019 biennium budget because he believes that giving Montana kids an early edge is critical for the success of Montana students and families. Bullock wants to make sure that every child enters kindergarten ready to learn by establishing a preschool grant program.


Montana newspapers across the state have already begun to urge support for Governor Bullock’s proposal.



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