News Talk 730, KYYA

NewsTalk 730


Tester Shoots Down Obama Administration’s Burdensome Gun Regulations


 Senator Jon Tester and colleagues fired off a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry following the announcement of new gun regulations that would harm Montana hunters, shooters, and gunsmiths.

The Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) issued guidance to clarify when a gunsmith is required to register under the International Traffic in Arms Regulations.  These regulations could result in an excessive $2,250 annual registration fee for Montana small businesses.


Tester, joined by Senators Heitkamp, Manchin, Heinrich, and Klobuchar, believes this broad and cumbersome guidance could negatively impact Montana gun owners.


“I am concerned that this guidance creates greater confusion and could lead to overly burdensome fees being placed on small businesses and hobbyists that are not engaged in exporting these goods in any significant way,” Tester wrote.  “We have heard from our constituents expressing concerns that DDTC’s broad guidance would have negative effect on my state’s many hunters, shooters and gunsmiths.”


Tester, a champion of Second Amendment rights, previously asked President Obama to review the status of items in Categories I, II, and III of the U.S. Munitions list.  This list and DDTC’s guidance have continued to impact Montana businesses and gun owners alike.


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