News Talk 730, KYYA

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Highway Patrol Cracks Down on DUIs for 4th of July Weekend

Across Montana, travelers will be on the road headed to Independence Day celebrations.  Family cookouts, camping, fireworks, and parades are just some of the many activities happening this weekend, many of which involve consuming alcoholic beverages.

“We know many folks will be drinking,” said Colonel Tom Butler, “We also know some folks will be tempted to drink then drive.  That’s why we will have extra patrols out to discourage these bad choices.” 

The Montana Highway Patrol is deploying additional patrols focused on impaired driving enforcement during the days surrounding the Fourth of July.  The MHP are joining law enforcement across Montana and the nation in the “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” DUI crackdown.

“This is about prevention, preventing impaired driving in the first place and saving lives,” Butler continued.  “It’s also about apprehension.  If you drive impaired, you will be arrested.”

Alcohol-related crash deaths and injuries have helped Independence Day be labeled as “the most dangerous holiday of the year” by the National Safety Council.

The public can do their part by calling 911 to report an impaired driver—and by asking their friends and family to rely on a driver who hasn’t been drinking.

The Montana Highway Patrol recommends these tips for a safe and fun holiday:

  • Designate a sober driver– before  the fun begins
  • Offer fun and tasty alternatives to alcoholic beverages
  • Don’t mix drinking with long hours in the sun
  • Have a plan for people to get home safely
  • Promote safe and sober driving among the young adults in your family
  • Prevent alcohol use by minors
  • Always make sure everyone is buckled up—your best defense against a drunk driver.


Extra traffic safety patrols are funded by the Montana Department of Transportation. This and other enforcement and education campaigns are combined under Vision Zero, the shared vision for zero