Why everyone should take some kind of supplement.
By Philip Fusco
Supplements can and should be used by everyone to protect against disease, eliminate deficiency states, prevent future illness, and balance the body chemistry
Many years ago in my opinion as well as many articles I have read it was perfect and great to get 100 percent of your daily nutrition from food. But in today’s day and age it doesn’t quite work like that anymore. There are so many things out there that kill or drastically lower the power of a food as a nutritional weapon.
Soil depletion has reduced the nutrient content of our food supply.
Hybrid crops provide lower-nutrient food
Modern fertilizers do not supply enough trace elements
Modern use of chemical pesticides and herbicides all over the world make food somewhat toxic, and damage soil microorganisms. Both of these also reduce the nutrition of the crops
Long-distance transportation of many foods diminishes their nutritional content.
Food processing often drastically reduces the nutrient content of common foods such as wheat flour, rice, dairy products and others
Pasteurization and homogenization of dairy products
Food additives often further deplete nutrients
Weak digestion and poor eating habits impair the absorption of nutrients
Stressful and hurried lifestyles
Chronic and acute infections and other illnesses most people have also depletes nutrients and increases nutritional needs.
Almost all babies are born deficient today
The increased use of vaccines and medical drugs can drastically deplete a person’s nutrition
Toxic chemicals and toxic metals in the air, water and elsewhere also deplete nutrients and increase the need for nutrition to combat them
Some medical procedures also drastically deplete nutrients
Special life situations require extra nutrition.
The nutritional standards set by governments around the world are much too low