News Talk 730, KYYA

NewsTalk 730



1. Make Your Home a Cool Cocoon 1. Make Your Home a Cool Cocoon Keep the house cool with an energy-efficient air conditioner, and reduce heat gain with window coverings like blinds, shades and curtains. Keep window coverings closed during the day and remember to clean A/C filters weekly to prevent dust and dirt build-up from blocking cool airflow Read more...

Good and bad habits

There are many good and bad habits that each individual person posses. The part that makes them separates them from being good or bad is usually how the habit will impact your life or others life’s Wikipedia defines a bad habit as “a negative behavior pattern. Common examples include procrastination, fidgeting, overspending, and nail-biting”. Read more...

Social Media Then Through Now

The roots of social media stretch far deeper than you might imagine. Although it seems like a new trend, sites like Facebook are the natural outcome of many centuries of social media development. Read more...

How to improve yourself

1. Read a book every day: Books are concentrated sources of wisdom. The more books you read, the more wisdom you expose yourself to. What are some books you can start reading to enrich yourself? 2. Learn a new language: Try it out, Its fun and a very good way to improve yourself Read more...

Baby Boomers and Millennials have more in common than you might think

Baby Boomers were among the first to redefine traditional values and truly believe they could change the world; does this sound like a generation(s) that we frequently reference these days? Read more...

Dealing and making the best out of a life full of emotions

1. Grow your circle of friends. "It's very important that you have a support group of friends and family 2. Learn more. Doesn’t the saying go knowledge is power, If you have a problem go learn about it and different ways to fix it. The Internet is a very powerful tool 3. Get moving. Any form of exercise that you enjoy will do. Regular exercise works as a good partner for people who are on medication. Exercise also works well for people who have mild or moderate depression and don't need to be on medication. Read more...

The Most Popular Fourth of July Destinations

The Most Popular Fourth of July Destinations What makes America America? A wide range of things. Celebrate the Fourth of July and the symbolic birth of the U.S. with everything from historic towns to beachfront relaxation weekends. Most celebrations will include fireworks and parades, but your party can be whatever you want it to be. Read more...

Social media and where its headed

Once upon a time, there was no Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or YouTube. Our lives did not revolve around a stream of status updates, tweets, videos and filtered photos. That was just 10 years ago. Read more...

7 Best Foods for Weight loss

GREEN TEA If you’re not drinking green tea with your workouts, you might be wasting your time at that barre class. A study published in The Journal of Nutrition found that after just two weeks, exercisers who sipped four to five cups of green tea each day and logged 25-minutes at the gym lost more belly fat than their non-tea-drinking counterparts. Read more...


Probiotic-rich foods In a recent Dutch study, 20 healthy volunteers received either a probiotic supplement or a placebo for four weeks. Those who received the real deal showed a significantly reduced reactivity to sad mood, which was largely due to a reduction in aggressive thoughts, and rumination (you know, when you over-think or obsess on the negative). Read more...
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