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Mate and Home Improvement Show
Thursday, February 20, 2014 - 10:00 AM
MATE Show and Home Health Expo
The Annual Montana Agri-Trade Exposition (MATE) is the largest agricultural trade show event of the year in Montana. This show is held in conjunction with the Home & Health Expo.

The MATE exhibits include large machinery and seed and fertilizer companies. Cattlemen will find handling equipment. Farmers will find on display a variety of cultivating and planting equipment, tractors, rakes, beet diggers and more. Also located outside in front of the Expo Center a bullpen preview.

The Home & Health Expo offers a nice compliment to any farm and ranch operation. These shows take care of your basic household needs as well as your health. Exhibits include windows, decking and furnaces to hearing screenings, skincare and blood draws.

Thursday & Friday 10am-6pm
Saturday 10am-5pm
News Talk 730
Program Schedule
St. Vincent Healthcare
Overnight America with Jon Grayson Weekdays 11pm - 3am
First Light with Dirk Van Weekdays 3am - 4am
Good Day with Doug Stephan Weekdays 4am - 6am
Morning Wake-up with Scott Fredricks Weekdays 6am - 8am
Good Day with Doug Stephan Tues and Thurs 8am - 9am
Voices of Montana with Aaron Flint Weekdays 9am - 10am
The Dennis Miller Show Weekdays 10am - 1pm
Michael Savage Weekdays 1pm - 4pm
The Mark Levin Show Weekdays 4pm - 7pm
Clark Howard Weekdays 7pm - 8pm
Jim Bohannon Weekdays 8pm - 11pm
Frontlines Saturdays 3am - 4am
Financial Fitness Saturdays 4am - 5am
Fat Guys At The Movies Saturdays 5am - 6am
Frontlines Saturdays 6am - 8am
Peter Greenberg Worldwide Saturdays 8am - 11am
Handel on the Law Saturdays 11am - 12pm
Leo Laporte - The Tech Guy Saturdays 12pm - 3pm
The Weekend Saturdays 3pm - 6pm
Best Of Phil Valentine Saturdays 6pm - 9pm
Lars Larson Saturdays 9pm - 11pm
Red Eye Radio Saturday 11pm - 3am
Real Estate Today Sundays 6am - 9am
Rocky Mountain Community Church Sundays 9am - 10am
Meet The Press Sundays 10am - 11am
Best of Clark Howard Sundays 11am - 12pm
Leo Laporte - The Tech Guy Sundays 12pm - 3pm
Let's Stay Healthy Sundays 3pm - 4pm
Clark Howard Sundays 4pm - 5pm
Handel on the Law Sundays 5pm - 8pm
Best of Herman Cain Sundays 8pm - 11pm
Overnight America with Jon Grayson Sundays 11pm - 3am
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