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Event Details
Mate and Home Improvement Show
Thursday, February 20, 2014 - 10:00 AM
MATE Show and Home Health Expo
The Annual Montana Agri-Trade Exposition (MATE) is the largest agricultural trade show event of the year in Montana. This show is held in conjunction with the Home & Health Expo.
The MATE exhibits include large machinery and seed and fertilizer companies. Cattlemen will find handling equipment. Farmers will find on display a variety of cultivating and planting equipment, tractors, rakes, beet diggers and more. Also located outside in front of the Expo Center a bullpen preview.
The Home & Health Expo offers a nice compliment to any farm and ranch operation. These shows take care of your basic household needs as well as your health. Exhibits include windows, decking and furnaces to hearing screenings, skincare and blood draws.