There are too many problems with the United States. Speaking politically, there are two main sides to the country.The Conservatives; generally cheap people who will do whatever it takes to make money. Second, the Liberals, the side who believes less in money but more in the rights of the planet and everything living inside it. For example, a major point Liberals are attempting to resolve is gay marriage. One would think this is a conflict that would have been resolved decades ago. Unfortunately, there are still those who believe in or put their faith in an entity that doesn’t exist. Due to these beliefs, there are people who believe being gay is “wrong” or “inhumane.” It is not quite known why so many people put there faith in one or more gods. Religion was originally developed by kings to control their people. Liberals seem to understand the fact that as sad as it may sound, people do not live on this planet to serve a purpose. As seen through a quote by John Shirley, author of Bioshock, “There are no kings, no gods, just us.”It wold seem those who follow a religion either cannot think for themselves, or are simply scared of life, therefore they want to believe there is a better place people go to after life. But even if one’s religion did not affect there decisions or thought, what right does one person have to determine the rights and limitation of another person’s life? People who are gay or bisexual do not choose what sexuality they are. People are simply born the way they are. People may however be against gay rights for multiple other reasons.One reason may be because most people are not gay, therefore it may not be usual. However, are not the same. Everyone is different and unique in there own way. Two gay people have every right to get married as two straight people. Quite a lot of people feel the right to become involved in the matters of abortion. There really should not be a debate over this topic. Every woman should have the right to decide if she wants to have a child or not. Some may argue abortion is equivalent to murder. However, when an abortion takes place, the fetus is technically a fully developed human yet. This idea goes back to the fact that people do not serve a purpose in life. As sad as it may be, people, just like any other animal, lives and then dies. Until you realize you are not special, you do not have a purpose, and you are not better than anyone else; you are nothing. So people should have every right to do what they want, as long as it doesn’t affect anyone else. This idea however doesn't involve abortion. Another idea that most Conservatives are opposed to is drugs. Specifically marijuana. A great number of Americans smoke marijuana. Politicians may argue that marijuana kills brain cells and gives people a high that makes people unable to perform certain tasks. However, alcohol has the same effect on people, if no even more so. With alcohol legal, it does not make a lot of sense to not have marijuana legal. There are so many legal drugs that are easy to obtain that are less healthy than marijuana. Some good examples would be tobacco, nicotine, aspirin, and caffeine. The purpose of tobacco and nicotine is to relieve one’s stress. Marijuana can relieve stress without the side effect of addiction. Marijuana also is good for headaches and most other pains. Many of these important topics have been denied to the people by politicans. Some people relate their logic to ignorance or just plain stupidity. We can only hope that future generations, as well as our own, will develop fully functionable brains.