News Talk 730, KYYA

NewsTalk 730


Out of shape and feeling overweight… where do I start?

Out of shape and feeling overweight… where do I start?
                                   By Jay Vincent 

We’ve all been there. Every morning is judgment day. You wake up, look in the mirror and you’re simply not pleased with what you see and how you feel. Many of us swallow it and carry on with our day; accepting that this is the reality of our lives. But what if you didn’t have to? What if you didn’t want to? But where do you begin?

Many of us just begin trying to live a more active life, thinking that burning calories is the answer. We begin scheduling an evening or morning walk, a jog here and there or even seek a personal trainer to help us reach our goals. But guess what, your weight loss journey can begin without you even putting on your gym clothes! That’s right, you heard correctly. Because the primary thing holding you back from losing stubborn body fat is your DIET.

“You can not exercise your way out of a bad diet” claims Dr. Doug McGuff, Ph.D and owner of Ultimate Exercise, a High Intensity Training facility located in South Carolina. Exercising is a poor way to burn calories. A typical 1 mile jog burns approximately 100 calories. Now, since there are roughly 3,500 calories in 1 pound of body fat, that means one would have to run 35 miles to burn a pound of body fat without a single change in ones diet. Clearly, this is an impractical approach to losing weight and unfortunately a widely misunderstood concept for new trainees.

So the logical approach would be… to change your diet! Consume LESS calories than your body requires to maintain its current mass, and your body will tap into its energy stores (body fat) to compensate. A good formula to follow is the Katch - McArdle formula to calculate the amount of calories your body requires on a daily basis; 

370 + (9.82 x lean body mass in lbs) ---------> Lean body mass = weight - % body fat. 

That is the science of fat loss in a nut shell. For example, say your body requires 2,000 calories a day to feed its current body mass. If you consume 1500 calories a day, within 7 days you would have lost 1 pound of body fat. A largely misunderstood yet SIMPLE approach to fat loss. As Dr. Doug McGuff says “The process is easy, but the application is hard as hell!”.

So in general, eat LESS food with adequate (not excessive) exercise, and your body will do what it must to balance its metabolism. Which is, in this instance, burning excess body fat to fuel the body.


The Great Debate: Fasted vs. Fed Cardio For Increased Fat Metabolism

One of the hot topics today in weight loss is the debate between which type of cardio burns the most stored body fat, fasted cardio or fed cardio. The belief that performing cardio first thing in the morning, while in a fasted state, when liver glycogen levels and insulin levels are low, the body is forced to rely on stored body fat as fuel, thus increasing body fat metabolism. This concept gained popularity in the late 1990’s when Bill Philips published his bestselling book called, Body-for-Life. Read more...

Protecting you skin in the Summer Time

Did you know that your skin is an organ? Well, it’s the largest organ of the human body!  Bones inside your body protect most organs, but your skin is an organ that is protecting everything inside of you! Just as we work to take great care of our brain and heart, we must have the same consideration for our skin. Being that it is summer time, the sun plays an even more crucial role in our skin’s health and well being. The sun’s affect on our skin is combination of both good and bad. It’s good because it helps us to produce vitamin D, which is vital for the health of our skin and many other functions of our body.  On the other hand, the sun can be bad as it can prematurely damage and age our skin. Furthermore, it can cause conditions where ugly black age marks can possibly lead to skin cancer. To protect yourself from this you should keep yourself covered with a high SPF at all times. Another recommendation for optimal healthy skin is protecting it from the inside by detoxing your body with an abundance of fruits and veggies. Along with a regular detox and adding fruits and veggies to your diet, I also recommend a good skin care routine. Skin hygiene is an essential component to maintaining youthful and healthy skin.  While store brands can potentially do the trick, these cheaper products usually contain chemicals that you don’t want to be exposed to. A more efficient brand could be found at your local shopping mall beauty store (Ulta or Sephora). Read more...

What’s The Big Deal With Gluten?

What’s The Big Deal With Gluten?

The USA Freedom act of 2015

THE USA FREEDOM ACT OF 2015 The USA FREEDOM Act of 2015                       Read more...

There’s no place like home, except when you don’t have one.

 After I had been kicked out of college, my mother gave me one more chance, and within weeks I was using drugs again.  A friend from college told me I could stay with him in New Jersey, and I left my mother’s house in a rage filled blackout.  I left for New Jersey to my friend’s house.  I don’t know whose addiction was worse at the time, his, or mine but within days, we were in the emergency room because he was overdosing on a toxic mix of methamphetamines, benzodiazepines, and alcohol.  As I watched him vomit the black charcoal they often give to overdosing patients, the hospital forcefully suggested I leave.  I saw my friend’s mother on the way out of the hospital, and she told me to get my stuff and get out of the house.  I didn’t have anyplace to go, and didn’t know what to do, and in that moment, I surrendered.  I walked to the police station and told them, “I’m homeless and I don’t know where to go?”  They were kinder than I thought they would be, gave me a bagel, a bus ticket, and even told the bus driver where to drop me off at, which was the homeless shelter.  I was devastated, but since I was still high from all the drugs I had consumed, I had chemical confidence.  Read more...

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