There is a growing attitude among the younger generation, that we cannot trust advice given to us by the baby boomer generation, many believe they are at fault for any and all hardships that we face. But think about it this way, the way we learn from our parents, they learned from theirs, and those generations witnessed some of the greatest sorrows and triumphs of American history. Therefore, what the Baby Boomers learned from the generations before them, they can teach us. And millennials had so much left to learn.
The Great Depression taught the baby boomers what it was like to grow up with nothing. Not to say that all the Millennials had it easy growing up, but nowhere near the hardships the Baby Boomers faced. Millennials are not growing up in the greatest country in the world as of today. We are 7th in literacy, 27th in math, 22nd in science, 49th in life expectancy, 178th in infant mortality, 3rd in median household income, 4th in labor force and number 4 in exports. The United States leads the world in only 3 categories number of incarcerated citizens per capital, number of adults that believe angels are real and defense spending is where we spend more than the next 26 countries combined 25 of whom are allies. The Baby Boomers stood up for what was right. Fought for moral reasons then waged war on poverty not poor people. They sacrificed their lives; put their lives on hold to fight the tyranny of Hitler and the Empire of Japan. Explored the universe and founded the world’s greatest economy. They never puffed their chest but they put their money where their mouths were.
Millennials tend to blame the problems of today on the Baby boomers, which has some validity. There will always be a few who ruin it for the others, but Millennials have the chance to do something NO OTHER GENERATION has. If they take a step back Utilize the knowledge of the baby boomers and blend it with the great minds of the Millennials they would be UNSTOPPABLE! From fixing the economies of the world to ending world hunger. History has taught us when the minds of all generations come together anything is possible.